19 Agu 2016

Singapore Night Festival

This is the second Singapore Night Festival I have attended and I should say that sometimes the company you are with make so much difference experience beyond what the event itself could offer. This time I went with fine arts student which I am pretty close with and it was all fun chit-chat and jokes I like the energy when I'm around people I am comfortable with but sometimes there was a moment where solitude is better when it comes to enjoying pretty and simple things. (in a way you are not rushing and rushed and distracted.)

Honestly it was all well managed I mean Singapore event just being Singapore event in which is great and very organized but it was also pretty crowded and people were sweating and expectation was in the air which does not always meet with the principle of simplicity and surprise that lies in "art". Am I projecting myself on people? Jeez, probably! However I am forever impressed with how organized everything is for the sake of comfort during this national art event, security was set in several places to make sure the crowds had reached the other side of road once the last three second of red man traffic light is ticking. They had to shout fiercely to people though sometimes which remind me that I am in Singapore. However it is still very impressive that government would support art and at the same time educate and entertain the the public this way. 

However my point of view probably is not that thorough for I have not been to all places. So who knows, since it would be held for several days I might make another new post with a total different vibe and experience once I make another visit. 

Yes it is understandable that it is not as easy to get absorbed in a room of arts as much as it is with these abundance of entertainment we can easily access on internet.

But seeing unique pretty thing and weird thing directly can make healthy connection for ourselves, I think.

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